The only contemporary SAVYINT eInvoice software with outstanding features such as
- Signing approval for invoice anywhere, anytime on the mobile platform
- Users can quickly review pending documents, sign them securely and track the status of documents
- Quickly and easily access documents that are waiting for your signature and track the status of the documents you have sent to others for signature and process execution.
- Review the documentation and fill out process-based processing information, perform electronic signing and handle the next steps in the process.
- Automatic design for planning and approving the invoice
Enterprises can actively design the process of making and approving invoices according to their characteristics or according to the size of the organizational structure of the companies, invoices issued will be controlled and reported to Board of Directors according to real time. This is very important for the Unit/Organization has many branches, many points of sale, issueing the invoice in many places with different sizes.

Outstanding advantages
- Deploying the Cloud and Hybrid Cloud/Private Cloud platforms and the On-premise model
- Multi points, multiple branches simultaneously used to sign and issue invoices
- Provides integration with tax authorities' authentication codes & Tax Lookup Ports
- Provide centralized electronic signing management system on HSM. Providing signing solutions on Web/Mobile
- Schedule automatic signing, invoice issuance in lot and at regular interval
- The ability of integrate to current financial accounting/ERP/MIS systems of the enterprises
- Provide system of signing process and approving the invoices according to BPM (Business Process Management)
- Supports all public digital signatures currently used and licensed in the market
- Provides the system of revenue reports according to the time of automatically aggregated of the affiliates
- Save the electronic signatures according to accounting standards and LTV electronic signatures lasting from 5-10 years
Main features
- Diversify invoice patterns according to each business type
- Enterprises can design invoice forms by themselves
- The notice of electronic invoice issuance is done in accordance with the process and provisions of tax law
- Making and issueing the electronic invoices
- Processing electronic invoices
- Management of replacement invoices, adjustments
- Converting electronic invoices
- Reports the situation of using the electronic invoices
- The invoices list and document of products and service are selling
- Feature of sending the manual and automatic email
- Portal looking up electronic invoices by invoice code, according to customer account
- Issuance the invoice in lot, in multiple invoice bands, multiple currencies
- Support to import the invoice data from Excel
- There are many methods of selecting digital signatures for invoices (Token, hsm, Mobile signing, etc.)
- Customer Information Management
- Manage the information of item
- Monetary information management
- Integrating softwares of internal invoice issuing
- Integration with the systems of electronic storage, e-Archive