Key Functions of the Validation Authority Service

A single instance of VA Server can respond for an unlimited number of CAs (limited only by the capacity of the server and the license purchased).
An example of such a configuration is already being operated as part of a PKI existing used EJBCA software, where VA Server is being used as a central point of VA gateway for validation services on behalf of all of the recognized CAs whose certificates are accepted for access to e-Gov services.
The benefits of using a VA hub solution for many CAs can again be measured in terms of reduction in software/hardware costs plus it acts as a single point of reference for all management reporting, resolving support issues and performing centralised configuration. To the outside world it will appear as if a dedicated OCSP responder is servicing each CA.

A VA System with consolidate database & real-time status certificates with single-point CDP/AIA URL.

VA Server manages each CA separately; this includes the use of separate keys and certificates when responding on behalf of each CA.  The validation policy covers the following points:

  • Each CA can enforce its own trust model on how the VA Server OCSP response signing keys should be certified (e.g. self-signed or delegated).
  • Each CA can define its own method for CRL retrieval (e.g. HTTP/S or LDAP/S) and precise repository locations (multiple online repositories can be defined for failover purposes).
  • CRL Management is very advanced and defines how often the CRLs should be retrieved and what happens if a CRL failure is seen is also configurable on a per CA basis. CRL Freshness is a configurable check so that CAs that over-issued CRLs can be monitored to confirm this is being done. 
  • How OCSP forwarding to peer OCSP responders should work and how the verification of peer OCSP responders should be managed is fully configurable on a per CA basis.
  • The VA Server administrator can also define unique certificate quality levels (explained further below) for each CA. This information can be returned in a private OCSP extension to provide value-add information about the certificate rather than just its revocation status.

High Performance

The performance of an VA OCSP responder depends on many factors including whether or not VA OCSP transactions are being conducted over SSL/TLS, whether requests are signed and hence require authentication by the server, size of VA OCSP responder keys, number of certificates being checked within a single request, size of CRLs, whether an HSM is being used, the specification of the OCSP responder and database machines etc.
VA Server has been optimised for high performance use in large PKIs, although speed is actually a secondary goal to the primary task of providing effective logging of system events and transactions.
PKI VA Server using VA gateway Agent Utility (RPU) retrieves these individual certificate revocation files from any a CA and publishes the new updated revocation information they contain to a real-time certificate status database. VA Server utilises this to over-ride the last CRL information with AD/LDAP and thus provide real-time certificate status information within the OCSP Service such as below:

We provider a VA Solution with full certificate Status Checking means checking a certificate’s revocation status, plus a check to ensure that it was actually issued by the identified CA.  To achieve this VA OCSP Server needs to have real-time access to the full set of certificate status information maintained by the registered CAs within Trust Manager.  Real-time checking of CRLs alone cannot satisfy the whitelist checking requirement because they only contain the details of revoked certificates.

To deliver real-time full certificate status checking VA OCSP Server needs to access a database of up-to-date certificate status information as illustrated below:

The Full Certificate Status Database is managed outside VA Server box and is quite separate to the standard VA Server database that contains configuration data, transaction records and other information.  

The URL Certificate Status Database option can be used with multiple CAs.  Each CA is responsible for populating and updating its certificate status table, or a separate application must do this. 

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