Mobile Identity
Digital identity platform in mobile electronic transactions aimed at cashless payments

As digital transactions grow, traditional authentication methods like passwords and SMS OTPs are increasingly vulnerable to cyber threats such as phishing, SIM swapping and identity theft.
Besides that, many financial institutions still rely on outdated security protocols, exposing users to risks such as identity theft and unauthorized transactions. Additionally, the absence of a unified electronic identification (eID) system and robust PKI-based authentication leaves digital transactions vulnerable to fraud.
Experts agree that digital identity is a game-changer in the financial sector’s digital transformation. With advanced authentication technology, Mobile Identity is set to become the foundation for secure mobile transactions, driving the future of cashless payments.
Mobile Identity - Digital identity platform
in mobile electronic transactions
Mobile Identity is an identification system based on strong authentication services and integrated electronic signatures, including applications:
- Secure electronic identification
- Two-factor authentication 2FA
- Remote (cloud) internal or public digital signatures
- Out-of-band transaction confirmation on mobile
- Sign transaction confirmation using personal digital certificates
- Available in application and SDK versions
- eIDAS regulations and EU PSD2 Directive comply with Decision 630/QD-NHNN dated March 31, 2017, of the Governor of the State Bank issuing the plan to apply security solutions in direct payments and bank card payments

Simple activation
Easily activate Mobile ID by downloading the app and scanning the QR code
Secure identification
PKI technology requires a fingerprint or PIN to use the keys. Login information is linked to the mobile phone, preventing the copying of personal keys
Standard integration
Easily integrate remote authentication and signing via Web API; integrate with applications using SDK format
Multi-device support
The system can operate on any device: mobile, PC, WebTV,… without the need for additional software or hardware

Build business branding
Design a customized application, enhancing brand recognition through the integration of business elements for authentication and login to employees/customers/citizens’ mobile devices
Help banks with digital transformation
100% paperless in transactions, allowing both customers and bank employees to sign electronically for transactions, sign electronic documents on mobile platforms, sign electronic credit contracts, electronic invoices; confirm payment transactions, deposit and withdraw savings at the bank without having to conduct transactions at the counter
Provide services to individual customers and businesses
Authentication and electronic signing services on mobile platforms; digital identification on mobile platforms, helping to replace smart cards, ATMs in cashless/cardless payments; confirm transactions through a second channel on mobile platforms, avoiding loss of money in accounts such as: withdrawing deposits/savings books, withdrawing money/high-value electronic payments…